Sep 23, 2021
On this episode, we are joined by PGY1 resident, Dr. Kristen Ingold, PharmD. Kristen came on the show to discuss her series of training videos designed to help students prep for their residency/fellowship interviews. She virtually interviewed 20-25 residency program directors (RPDs) from across the United States. Each RPD was asked the same list of questions. After collecting all of the interview videos, she took each video and spliced them together to form topic-specific videos that range from 5-15 minutes in duration. Topics include items that RPDs look for on a student’s curriculum vitae, GPA, choice of electives, resident characteristics, appropriate follow-up, social media, and more. There are 40 videos total (8 topics for 5 different regions of the United States). The best part about this video series is the price.....COMPLETELY FREE!
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If you have any questions for Cole or me, reach out to us on any of the following:
Text - 415-943-6116
Mike -
Cole -
Instagram and other social media platforms - @corconsultrx
This podcast reviews current evidence-based medicine and pharmacy treatment options. This podcast is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is intended for healthcare professionals and students. This podcast is not for patients and not intended as advice or treatment.