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CorConsult Rx: Evidence-Based Medicine and Pharmacy

Jan 17, 2019

This is the 50th episode milestone, and we are joined by HIV/Hep C expert Dr. Eric Meissner, MD, PhD. Dr. Meissner is an infectious disease physician at the Medical University of South Carolina. He also runs a research lab at the university as well. He discusses his extensive training as well as some of the projects he's worked on over the years. He also reviews some of the latest research in HIV and Hep C. We close by answering questions from Instagram followers. 

If you have any questions, reach out to us on any of the following:

Mike -
Cole -

Instagram and other social media platforms - @corconsultrx

This podcast reviews current evidence-based medicine and pharmacy treatment options. This podcast is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is intended for healthcare professionals and students. This podcast is not for patients and not intended as advice or treatment.