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CorConsult Rx: Evidence-Based Medicine and Pharmacy

Oct 13, 2018

On this episode, we are joined by Dr. Brian Gilbert and Dr. Tessa Reynolds to discuss life as a critical care pharmacy resident. They also share strategies for network as well as the "do's" and "don'ts" of Midyear. Dr. Gilbert even gives us a quick preview into a few papers that he is having published. Check them out on Instagram at: @bwg08 (Brian) @tesssssrenee If you have any questions, reach out to us on any of the following: Mike - Cole - Instagram and other social media platforms - @corconsultrx This podcast reviews current evidence-based medicine and pharmacy treatment options. This podcast is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is intended for healthcare professionals and students. This podcast is not for patients and not intended as advice or treatment.